Rates Applicable On Pensioners' Benefit Account
Effective Period Monthly Profit
on Each
Rs.100,000/- Rate
(% p.a.)
From To
20-Jan-03 30-Jun-03 Rs. 920.00 11.04%
01-Jul-03 30-Jun-05 Rs. 840.00 10.08%
01-Jul-05 04-Jun-06 Rs. 920.00 11.04%
05-Jun-06 22-Jun-07 Rs. 960.00 11.52%
23-Jun-07 23-Jun-08 Rs. 970.00 11.64%
24-Jun-08 30-Sep-08 Rs. 1130.00 13.56%
01-Oct-08 30-Nov-08 Rs. 1250.00 15.00%
01-Dec-08 31-Mar-09 Rs. 1400.00 16.80%
01-Apr-09 30-Jun-09 Rs. 1342.00 16.10%
01-Jul-09 30-Sep-10 Rs. 1180.00 14.16%
Rs. 1220.00
01-Jan-11 30-Sep-11 Rs. 1280.00 15.36%
01-Oct-11 Till date Rs. 1200.00 14.40%
Note: The above monthly profit has been worked out on Rs.100,000/-. You can easily calculate profit on your investment by dividing the relevant amount of the table with 100,000 and then multiplying with the amount you have invested.
The Fed Finance Minister Mr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh has mercilessly curtailed the profits on the savings of Senior citizens which we protest with the President of Pakistan and Co chairman of PPP for reconsideration, from January 2012 on-wards.